Sunday, December 2, 2012


  1. Hello friends! This is the first of a series of posts featuring anecdotes from Streisand: Her Life, 2012

    In 1969 Elvis Presley was scheduled to follow Barbra at the International Hotel in Las Vegas--an engagement that would be a triumphant comeback [for him]--and he caught her next-to-last show. She introduced him to the audience, and afterward he went backstage to meet her. [Barbra's drummer] Don Lamond passed him in the hallway and was impressed by how good the thir
    ty-four-year-old Presley, who had been out of the public eye for awhile, looked. "I think he was the handsomest guy I ever saw. This was before he got bloated and all that stuff. My wife said she couldn't believe how fantastic he looked. He went into Barbra's dressing room, and they got together."
       Years later Barbra's longtime lover, Jon Peters, revealed in an unpublished interview the extraordinary scene that followed, recounted to him by Barbra. She was alone, sitting at her dressing table. After Elvis closed the door behind him, he said simply, "Hi," and an awkward silence followed. Suddenly he reached over and picked up a bottle of red nail polish from the vanity table. Without a word. he fell to one knee, took Barbra's hand in his and began, slowly anf painstakingly, to apply the bright crimson varnish to Barbra's tapering fingernails.
       The intimacy of the gesture, the supplication of it, stunned Barbra, who stared in fascination as Elvis worked, and when he finished, she mumbled "Thank you." An associate of Presley's, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, revealed that the intimacy between Barbra and the King of Rock 'n' Roll didn't end there. "Elvis told me that he spent the night with Streisand in her suite." 
    If you'd like to read the rest of Barbra's fascinating story, you can download the book here:
    Here's the link to the book on Amazon:

    If you don't have a Kindle, click on the link below to download free software that will allow you to read the book on any device, including your PC or Mac:

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